{ "image": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdT5SBuJwTVceH5AgzaNnJu7KRyq6sWSmb9ywYiP6XbfP", "description": "OG Series AvaPunk. The owner of this punk does not have a license to copyright or use it commercially. This is art.\n\nAvaPunks is not affiliated with Larva Labs, NFT42, CryptoPunks or Avastars. Warning: The OG Series contract may be replaced. This may greatly impact a token's value. Thank you.", "animation_url": "", "external_url": "https://www.infinft.com/view.html?artistcontract=0x11d216664d77c1abdbc273d651982098e2985852&token=15", "name": "AvaPunk 196", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Yetepey" }, { "trait_type": "CERTIFIED", "value": "Unofficial Punks" }, { "trait_type": "Dimensions", "value": "24 x 24" }, { "trait_type": "Series", "value": "AvaPunk OG" } ] }